Early intervention is key
At Seven Sisters Mental Health we know that you may be unsure whether or not you need a full evaluation for your child. We also know that waitlists for evaluations are often 6 months or more. To reduce barriers to timely screening and intervention, Seven Sisters Mental Health offers screenings for developmental concerns for children ages 3 to 5 years as well as dyslexia in children. Screenings are available during evening and weekend hours. If further assessment is recommended, Seven Sisters Mental Health offers a 10% discount if you return for assessment within a year of your screening.
Continue below to learn more
Developmental Screening
Ages 3 to 5
The goals of developmental screening are to 1) identify whether or not full evaluation for developmental concerns (such as Autism) is needed, 2) identify ways to support your child even if no further evaluation is needed, and 3) help guide any intervention recommendations. Screening does not guarantee any particular diagnosis.
What’s included?
- Interview and observation of your child
- Several screening and monitoring measures
- Written summary and recommendations
Dyslexia Screening
Currently available for children
A full evaluation is needed to diagnose dyslexia. However, dyslexia screening may be helpful if you are concerned that your child may be at risk for dyslexia but would like more information before deciding on a full evaluation (whether through your child's school or done privately).
What’s included?
- Formal screening with a standardized measure
- Brief interview regarding concerns
- Written summary and recommendations
Seven Sisters Mental Health PLLC
630 W Comanche St,Norman, OK
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